Jyothish is one of the six limbs of vedas and considered the eyes of the human system. According to vedic view, it enable us to see what vedas want us to see-ie spiritual growth(not predictive event alone). Conversely most astrologers are in to capitalistic world. They are compeletely ignorant about ultimate reality,upanishad knowledge, and quantum dynamics-which are all Jagath Satyam-essential wisdom be learned. We cannot ignore science or physics. We cannot ignore vedas as well. They may go parrallel in opposite directions sometimes, and we have to bring it closer as far as possible. They are both emerged on Brahman.
Predictive astrology is not to be underestimated. But when you go in to higher level of consciousness, then it may lack in importance.When you realized you are a drop of water and the ultimate reality is to merge in to ocean ,not only that, also to help other water droplets to emerge in ocean, then it becomes SAT-CHIT-ANANADA(EXISTENCE CONSCIOUSNESS BLISS) -then astrology predictions will not have any impact on you. If you own a private jet, will you ever look on Maruthi sales offers??? Absolutely No !
Prayers ( Bhakthi) -Sadana Bhakthi- is selfishness. You need something and for that something or someone, you pray GOD. You will reamin different from God. You can never become his soul and he can never become your soul unless you convert your Bhakthi to PREMA BHAKTHI-if you want boundless ecstasy with him
The entire planets are demi gods and you are also a demi god. The consciousness of the demi gods and yours are also operating beyond space and time and the absolute reality is you can help each other attaining the mergence with Supreme Lord. Imagine you are under Rahu dasa and have you ever asked Rahu deva how can you help him in attaining his goal on merging with supreme being. No. We don’t do that. We always worship demi gods to help us, bless us and protect us , that is our selfishness ( sadana bhakthi).
You need to ask Rahu deva, whether he needs any help from you, or how can you help him during his dasa in attaining mergence with Brahma Shakthi etc.Rahu is carving and chasing to reach God. You can help him through your love ( Prema Bhakthi). When he knows you loves him, he starts diverting his carving towards you in higher form of consciousness. No body can stop Rahu. He represent immense desire, carving etc. That is why most astrologers and lay man fear Rahu. He brings diester. In my own experience I know many businessmen who became almost paupur during end of Rahu dasa. Some one got heart attack end of rahu dasa. This is because of carvings and desire for unwanted things, food etc. And finally gives lot of problems. But when you have prema bhakthi , you are loving Rahu instead of seeking his blessings and helping him in achieving his goals. When you do this automatically you are attracting Brahma Shakthi Satyam. Then the puranas says, Rahu will divert his Carvings in to higher consciousness planes such as on wisdom, learning, brahma vidhya etc . That means no body can stop his carvings or immense desire, but it will influence you in higher consciousness levels, which becomes a blessing for you.
There is only one thing that separate us from boundless ecstasy from God is our MIND-EGO-WILL. These are inter connected. As long as we have ego, we have will as different from the universal will. As long as we have will, we have ego that separate us from the universal being. And as long as we have will and ego, we have mind too, and conversely as long as we have a mind-we have an ego and will. When you have no mind then there is no ego and will. Then the universal self becomes yourself and the universal will becomes our will. This is the state of self transcendence.
The above sloka is from purans ,lord krishna speaking to arjuna.
Arjuna wanted to enjoy boundless ecstasy with Krishna( out of love prema bhakthi) that even Brahma and Shiva could not even know. Only Krishna can give ectasy, he is special God in Puranas. Krishna instructs Arjuna to worship with great devotion Goddess Tripurasundhari( Shakthi) and to surrender to her and make his request to her to transform to FEMALE. Krishna tells him, he cannot give him those experiences except through her.And Arjuna becomes a a very beautiful women with the directions followed by Shakthi.
To be able to be one with Krishna you have to be a woman, in the spiritual sense, is to be receptive, to be empty, to be open,not to resist, not to have an individual will and instead surrender to the universal will, float with it.
This sloka is also from puranas , it says that spiritual bliss is equal to erotic love-in the language of sexual union-and any erotic language will fail to express the feelings of ectasy with Krishna. -It can only give a glimpse.
Bhakthi is a useless strategy to uplift consciousness. To remain oneness with Krishna and enjoy the boundless ecstasy of him, pray Shakthi through which transform to beautiful female ( i mean in spiritual sense)- Feminine stands for surrender, openness, and emptiness. When we achieve it our trueself take over us. As per puranas, trueself is Krishna who is also our eternal beloved.

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